Summer of Dance

Click the button below to join your Summer of Dance class!

Here’s everything you’ll need before you join:

  • A smartphone, tablet or computer. For the best experience we recommend using a computer.
  • The Zoom app. You can install it here:
  • A Zoom login; set up a username and password or sign in.
  • A strong internet connection.
  • If you experience issues downloading or using Zoom, click here.

If you have problems entering the class, please email for assistance. We will be troubleshooting throughout the month of June. Thank you for your patience as we navigate this new method of program delivery.

Don’t forget Zoom class etiquette:

  • Please put your mic on mute after you enter the class.
  • To see the instructor better, please put the screen on SPEAKER VIEW. You can find this in the upper-right hand corner of the screen.
  • If you have a question or need clarification, please enter it into the chat. Our moderator will relay the question in real time.


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